
Date: Wednesday, 27/Mar/2013
(Digital October)

9:30am – 10:00am


Location: Coffee-break zone

10:00am – 11:30am

Industry Day Session 1

Location: Conference Hall
Session Chair: Ilya Segalovich


Search and Discovery at Twitter

Jimmy Lin

Research Scientist, Twitter, Associate Professor at University of Maryland

Social Search

Marc Najork

Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research

11:30am – 12:00pm


12:00pm – 1:30pm

Industry Day Session 2

Location: Conference Hall
Session Chair: Ilya Segalovich


Lessons from the Wild: How Context Can Shape Consumption in Content Recommendation Systems

Paul Ogilvie

Software Engineer, LinkedIn

Suggestion technologies for Bing

Antonio Gulli

Principal Developement Manager, Bing Europe

1:30pm – 3:00pm

Lunch time

3:00pm – 4:30pm

Industry Day Session 3

Location: Conference Hall
Session Chair: Ilya Segalovich


Mobile search: a force to be reckoned with!

Karen Church

Researcher, Telefonica Research

P8b: Paper Session 8b: Temporal IR

Location: Small Hall
Session chair: Fernando Diaz


Predicting Information Diffusion in Social Networks using Content and User’s Profiles

Cedric Lagnier2, Ludovic Denoyer1, Eric Gaussier2, Patrick Gallinari1

1: UPMC - LIP6, France; 2: IMAG, France

Influence of Timeline and Named-entity Components on User Engagement

Yashar Moshfeghi1, Michael Matthews2, Roi Blanco2, Joemon M. Jose1

1: University of Glasgow, United Kingdom; 2: Yahoo! Research Lab, Spain

Cognitive Temporal Document Priors

Maria-Hendrike Peetz, Maarten de Rijke

University of Amsterdam, Netherlands, The

4:30pm – 5:00pm


5:00pm – 6:30pm

Industry Day Session 4

Location: Conference Hall
Session Chair: Ilya Segalovich


Active Learning to Rank

Alexey Voropaev

Head of Ranking department, Mail.Ru

Aggregate and conquer: Finding the way in the diverse world of user intents

Andrey Styskin

Head of Web Ranking Team, Yandex

P9b: Paper Session 9b: Microblog Search

Location: Small Hall
Session chair: Padmini Srinivasan


Combining Recency and Topic-Dependent Temporal Variation for Microblog Search

Taiki Miyanishi, Kazuhiro Seki, Kuniaki Uehara

Graduate School of System Informatics Kobe University, Japan

Subjectivity annotation of the Microblog 2011 Realtime Adhoc relevance judgments

Georgios Paltoglou, Kevan Buckley

University of Wolverhampton, United Kingdom

Geo-spatial Event Detection in the Twitter Stream

Maximilian Walther, Michael Kaisser

AGT International, Germany

6:30pm – 7:00pm

Presentation of ECIR 2014

Location: Conference Hall